Stockings for Soldiers
Stockings for Soldiers
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The Military Families Ministry (MFM) has launched their 2011 Christmas project. http://www.militaryfamiliesministry.com/Home.html
Stockings for the Troops
I talked to my husband, who is current Army, about this project. I asked him if this is something the troops like, or is it a fluff piece. Hubby said, “No no, the soldiers really appreciate this kind of stuff.” I then asked him if I should do this, and he said that would be wonderful! So, in addition to making some myself, I wanted to be sure to pass the word to all my fellow Colorado peeps, and those in Pennsylvania who has a MFM chapter there as well. Hubby said, it’s not on the list, but don’t forget to include chewing tobacco….However, tobacco, alcohol, and adult material cannot be shipped. Sorry.
This is from the MFM’s website….
Please join us in sending stockings to our deployed troops who will not spend this special holiday with their families.
We are asking individuals to get their families, friends, neighbors, co-workers, churches, and other community groups involved in this effort. There are thousands of men and women currently deployed, defending our freedom, who will spend Christmas in a foreign country–away from their family. Help us love, support, and encourage them this holiday.

This is a great family project to reinforce the importance of giving to others, particularly those who sacrifice so much for us.
What can you do?
Make or buy a stocking – maximum size 18 inches (you can purchase stockings at Dollar Stores for $1.00 or kits at Michaels Craft Store for $4.99)
Fill it with the following items:
candy canes
hard candy (no chocolate)
hand & foot warmers (small packets)
lip balms
hand lotion – (small – unscented)
hot chocolate packets
Individually wrapped cookies (no homemade – they won’t survive the shipping)
beef slim jims
small packs of trail mix, peanuts, pretzels, fruit snacks, etc
ramen soup packets
home-made or bought Christmas card with a personal message from you
Then, spread the word – ask everyone you know to make one stocking, get groups or clubs involved, talk to your local schools and community organizations, they are looking for projects this time of year. Download our flyer and pass it around.
Stockings should be stapled shut at the top and must be received by Nov. 15th to ensure prompt delivery.
Completed stockings must be shipped by November 23rd to ensure our troops receive them by Christmas.
MFM – Colorado drop off locations:
- High Plains Bank, 235 South Ash Street, Bennett
- Mountain View Fellowship Office, 1422 Monroe Street – Unit A, Strasburg
- Byers General Store, 568 North Hwy 36, Byers
MFM – Pennsylvania drop off locations:
- State College Alliance Church, Whitehall Road
Other items the military appreciates:
AA & AAA batteries
eye drops
bug spray
drink mixes – individual packages for water bottles
toilet paper
body wash
sun block
food bars
any type of non perishable food items
Non-Melting Candy (no chocolate unless it’s M&M’s)
Playing cards, puzzles, word searches, hand held games
Coffee, in filters
Powdered creamer – any flavor
Non-Melting Candy (no chocolate unless it’s M&M’s)
Playing cards, puzzles, word searches, hand held games
Coffee, in filters
Powdered creamer – any flavor
Thank you for reading, and I hope that you are encouraged to help those over-seas this holiday season. You don’t have much time, so HURRY!!!! <3
Here are a few others around the US doing similar programs:
- Lamar, Colorado – http://www.lamarledger.com/ci_19233525?source=rss_viewed
- Denton, Texas – http://www.dentonrc.com/sharedcontent/dws/drc/opinion/editorials/stories/DRC_Editorial_1104.269cb3714.html
- Wilmington, Deleware – http://stockingsforsoldiers.org/
- American Red Cross – http://www.redcross.org/holidaymail