The reason it’s called Deer Tales…
The reason it’s called Deer Tales…
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Every day since we moved here, we’ve seen deer in our yard. EVERY day. We have 6.2 acres, and well, I’m sure there are deer in the back lot quite a bit. But I’m talking close to the house. Either in the back yard just beyond the deck, or in the front by the driveway. I like to sit in the living room, sipping my coffee, watching the deer.
There are of course, also deer across the road in the neighbor’s property, and also ones we see while driving. I know, I know….everyone wants to tell me how they look sweet, but I’ll hate them when I have a garden. Or how they’ll eat your favorite landscaping plants.
Yes, I know. But we like the deer. We like the nature. The gardens on the lot have fencing to keep out the deer. The trees have chicken wire to not be eaten. If there are plants I decide to landscape with that the deer are bothering, I’ll spray them with anti-deer stuff. *shrug* I’ll deal with it. But for now, we like the deer.
Every day, either early morning, or early evening the deer come around. There are a couple families. Usually a lone doe or buck are chomping away at the grass (who wouldn’t like that?!), but sometimes a family of four with a white spotted fawn nibbles its way near the swing. They seem to be quite OK with humans.
My daughter and I were out in the front yard doing something, and I hadn’t realized that three deer were eating some grass on the other side of the driveway. They kept their eyes on us, but weren’t intimidated. Now the dogs….that’s another issue. The dogs are always barking at them, and they run away. I hate that. 🙁
Besides deer we’ve seen a fox mosey on through the yard. I’m not keen on the fox as my cat loves to go lay in the sunshine, and sleep under the stars. The fox is also a predator to my chickens and bunny, which thankfully are locking in a coop/run at the moment. But so far, we haven’t been bothered by him, and I’ve only seen him once.
We had some sort of animal “bark” for an hour or so the other night. We didn’t get a good look at it, though my guess is it was a fox calling her young. But I’m no expert.
We enjoy the deer. My daughter likes to hike in the back looking for deer tracks. No, I haven’t fed them. I know better. But I can’t say I’m not tempted. I’m just an animal lover at heart. 🙂
I guess they don’t call it Deer Trail for nuthin!