You’re Doing it Wrong!
You’re Doing it Wrong!
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……… Yeah, I probably am.
But that’s OK.
I don’t know what I’m doing!!
Let me repeat.
Whew. OK, I got that off my chest.
You see, we’re new to this. This rural thing. Brand-spanking-new. That’s why we called it, “Adventures in Deer Trail”.
It’s our adventure of going from city to rural, with no knowledge, prior experience, or help.
…..OK, so we’ve gotten LOTS of help from our neighbors. 🙂 Thank you!!
We’re going to do alot of things wrong. We don’t know what alot of things are.
We don’t know how to do alot of things! And to top that off….I’m an un-lucky clover. Everything I touch, turns to….broken. Yup. Broken. And to top that off…..we’re doing it on almost no budget. Ugh.
We come from the city. We are so naive about rural life. Even after ten months.
Neither one of us have ever lived outside a busy city. We’ve lived all our lives in the hustle & bustle of city life. Not just any city either; Metropolitan. The South Florida metro area to be exact.
Here’s a place where there’s a 7-11 or a Walgreens on every corner. You are walking distance from the gas station, the library, and the grocery store. There’s a McDonald.s, Taco Bell, and Dairy Queen on every main road. You are pretty much spoon-fed every convenience known to man.
Not dirt roads, wild animals, and crazy weather.
………..That is so not like what it is out here!
But it’s always been a dream of hubby & mine to have land, live away from the congestion, have lots of critters, and to be partially self-sustainable.
But, OMG! We had no idea how different it was going to be!
Neither one of us had families that lived in rural areas. Friends? They all lived in the city too.
Many things we’ve come across is shocking. Not in a bad way, just a surprise.
I’ve done a lot of venting on my personal facebook page. I know I probably bother the rural lifers with my venting. Sorry.
I’m not bitching, but sometimes things are such a shock, that I have to voice my surprise…..and I’ll admit, sometimes it’s with a negative attitude.
I’ve handled my facebook post poorly, but some things have just been so surprising.
Like the roads! Wow, have I vented about the roads. But please! Dirt roads?! I have never, ever, driven on a dirt road in my life. I didn’t know the sand could throw your car 10 feet over into the ditch in 3 seconds flat.
But I digress…. We will make alot of mistakes on our adventure. We not only moved to a rural area, but we purchased a ‘fixer-upper’ house. It needs alot of love and work.
We’ll do alot of things wrong. We won’t know what some things are, or how to build it, use it, or fix it. We know nothing about wells, septic tanks, or raising animals. We know nothing of foxes & foxholes, hawks & coyotes.
We will ask alot of questions, ask for a bunch of advise, and probably ask for a lot of help.
But, we will learn. It will take some time, and I’ll vent often.
My posts, both here, and on my facebook page, will have what we’re working on, and the mistakes we’ve made. Stories of how things went wrong, and how things are going.
Some posts will be full of fore-lorning, and others full of accomplishment. We’re taking everything in stride, but we are determined to get through it. It’s a tough road to travel, alone, and with a measly income to make it happen.
So yes, I’m doing it wrong.
But we will learn, and eventually learn the way, and do it right!