Foxy Lady
Foxy Lady
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It was a pretty gloomy morning. Overcast, cold, foggy. Another blechy day.
……….At about noon the sun came out. Yay!
When the sun comes out, it hits the back of the house. I like to open the back door & stand on the deck overlooking the yard. Even though it was only 30 degrees out, it felt soooooooo good.
So, I was looking over towards the hill, and I see something orange. I squint. A fox!
A red fox to be exact. Huge.
It was the size of a dog, slightly smaller than say, a German Shepard. I actually looked the animal up on the internet, making sure I wasn’t taking pictures of someone’s loose dog!
I ran inside & grabbed my camera. He was looking in my direction, and I snapped a few photos.
Yeah, my picture taking skills need some work.
After a few moments, he curled in & made himself comfy.
Silly me decided to go around the side of the house to see if I could get slightly closer.
I mean, it’s hard taking photos from hundreds of feet away when you don’t know how to use the f-stop, thingamajig, and dohicky on the camera!
Well, let me just say, that walking in snow is VERY loud out here. I scared him & he ran away towards the creek bed. 🙁
Well, I’m not gonna go hunting for it’s den!
It was a beautiful animal, and I cannot wait to get more pictures of it!
I am OK with it being here, and it’s family, as long as it stays on the other side of our small dry creek bed along the side of the house. I have cats & chickens & a bunny….don’t want the fox around them thinking, “Lunch!”
See ya later, Foxy lady (errrrr….or guy *shrug*.)