Is it Haunted? Cursed?
Is it Haunted? Cursed?
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Some people believe in the supernatural. Some people think it’s a bunch of horse poo. Some people really don’t give a shit…..until everything starts happening and your world turns crazy.
And then you begin to wonder…
In the last six weeks we’ve been here, each day since we’ve moved into the house, something new has gone wrong. Not much has gone right. We had no water for a month, which meant no showers, laundry, dishes, etc.. The mice died, and they were doing so well. Our basement flooded and the carpet, walls & stuff got ruined. The hot water heater died. Hubby’s new $750 computer died (only had a 3mo warranty). We had an invasion of flies in the house (hundreds of them). Hubby rolled the car (story later on that). The truck died. The breakers trip. Pipes & valves keep breaking. Hubby got electrocuted (minimal), The lawn mower broke. The vacuum died. Third car’s broken (but usable).
Need I go on?
And just to top off all that crap, there’s been alot of things happen that are just, “Are you kidding me?” We’ve had crazy rain (that’s not normal here) that’s scared the shit out of us driving on the roads. We’re mere inches away from not being able to get broadband internet. Our neighbors can. We can’t get cell service, unless you walk 300′ to the road. We get brown-outs every day. Cant get to a store in under an hour, even to buy milk. Dogs keep escaping & gone for hours. The local school closed when we moved here, and now I have to shuffle the boy an hour away.
….Just little things. But they grate on you. They add up. They give you a sense of foreboding. I wake up every morning thinking, “What will happen today?”
None of these things are detrimental. I mean, we’re happy there has been no serious injuries, or deaths, or explosions. No one’s maimed, or has lost an eye….yet. Knock on wood. It could be alot worse. But when so many things happen just after you move into a new home….it gets you thinking. When you’re in the bathroom and the lights flicker, and you swear you hear breathing, but no one’s home, it makes your skin crawl. The house being haunted or cursed has crossed my mind…on many occasion. Mostly as a joke. Mostly. Is the house just bad luck? Or did we piss off the universe or something?
I know the house isn’t haunted or cursed. Reality is, it’s just life. Many of these things have been ‘fixed’, or will be fixed. Some items had/have to be replaced. Some, are just what they are. But, damn! Enough already.
At least I’m getting some good stories out of this, eh?!